Saturday, March 27, 2010

Coffee Table build

I've made some progress on the coffee table. I am glad I kept all my jigs and templates from the last time I made this table; it is saving me a lot of time. My next task was to mill all the rough pieces down to final dimension to get them ready. Here I am sawing the 12/4 pieces down to make the aprons, which are 3/4.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable

Here all the apron pieces are roughed out and now just need to be planed to thickness.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable

I also cut the leg blanks to size and planed them to final thickness, which is 2.75" square.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable

So, I will let those pieces sit overnight and then begin to cut the cabriole legs next time.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable

Be Safe!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Commissioned Coffee Table

Ok everyone! Fresh off of the finish of my Walnut Media Cabinet build:

I have gotten started on a commissioned piece which is a replica of a mahogany coffee table I built last year. So, All I have done thus far is to cut, to rough length, the pieces I need.

Here I am doing the "slap test" where you cut about an inch off of the end and slap it on the ground and if it breaks, you take another inch....this checks for potential fail points in the wood. This particular piece is 12/4 so I can only make it so far with the Skill saw then I have to hand saw the last little bit

Here are all the rough cut pieces laid out. The top (closest to the bottom) will be resawn. The legs are 12/4x9" and the aprons are 12/4x9" as well and will be resawn to final dimensions.

I've made this piece before so I am familiar with it, but still need to be careful. The finish this time will be different as well, per the customer request, so you may seem some questions about that.

So next I think I will rough cut the legs and work on laying those out. I will also begin to mill the top.

Stay tuned! I have been in the play-by-play before and already finished one piece! WHO'S BETTER THAN ME?! ok, I know at least one person :D

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Media Cabinet is COMPLETE!

Project finished! My favorite part of a long build. I haven't posted much in regards to the progress because all I have been doing is applying the finish and hardware; had a week vacation in there too where no work was done. Anyways, here is a shot of the cabinet in the shop all finished.
From MediaCabinet

Here is a shot with all the doors open.
From MediaCabinet

And here is a shot of it in its final "resting place".
From MediaCabinet

Overall, this was a fun project. If I had to do it again there are a few things I would change, but overall I am happy with the way it came out.

My next project is going to be another coffee table, just like the other mahogany one I did last year; this is a commissioned piece though so I will get some money, which is always good!

Be Safe!