Saturday, March 27, 2010

Coffee Table build

I've made some progress on the coffee table. I am glad I kept all my jigs and templates from the last time I made this table; it is saving me a lot of time. My next task was to mill all the rough pieces down to final dimension to get them ready. Here I am sawing the 12/4 pieces down to make the aprons, which are 3/4.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable

Here all the apron pieces are roughed out and now just need to be planed to thickness.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable

I also cut the leg blanks to size and planed them to final thickness, which is 2.75" square.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable

So, I will let those pieces sit overnight and then begin to cut the cabriole legs next time.
From ChrisJanetCoffeeTable

Be Safe!


  1. Wow nice progress man. Good luck on your next task.
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